
Is It Possible to Run Your Car on Water?

Congratulations! You have just found a way to own a water-to-energy converter for your car. Water4Gas is one of the most PRACTICAL free-energy devices, marked by extraordinary simplicity and effectiveness. You cannot get anything, anywhere near this good, for twice the price.

We offer devices that use a little electricity out of your car's battery, to separate water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also called Hydroxy or Hydrogen*Oxygen™, burns beautifully and provides TONS of energy - while the end product is just WATER! Mobile Magazine says HHO provides the atomic power of Hydrogen, while maintaining the chemical stability of water.

DID YOU KNOW: Pound for pound HHO GAS IS 3 TIMES MORE POTENT THAN GASOLINE!!! HHO is a fast growing trend for boosting performance and MPG.

We took a 90-year-old suppressed technology, We SIMPLIFIED it, You can have affordable yet very effective devices, right now. You have our permission to replicate all our devices - we'll even show you how! Easy to install & maintain. Good for carb/fuel injection, gas/diesel. Old/new cars, light trucks, boats, more.

How to Modify Your Car Cheaply to RUN ON WATER

Foolish petrol prices, petrol battles, pollution and global climate change. You know what I'm referring to.

One likely way out, that you may have heard of, is water automobiles. As distinct from water hybrids, water powered automobiles are yet to be rolled out of the assembly plants. You could get a minimum of 10 strategies of water powered automobiles to try out. Regrettably those designs are too costly to put together, are very knotty, and absolutely unpredictable.

Widespread development and experimentation by numerous back yard engineers has proven one method FEASIBLE. With this method you can run your traditional automobiles PARTIALLY ON WATER (that's a "Water Hybrid") with little or no modifications."

¢ You should be able to increase your gas efficiency by as much as 59% (Toyota 99) or even 70% (Cadillac 99)."
¢ You could drastically cut down discharges and help reduce Global Warming."
¢ You can improve efficient burning of fuel and consequently lessen wear and tear, engine clatter, high temperature in the engine, carbon deposits, etc.


You see, you have just hit upon a unique piece of information. As there is a small number of persons on the World Wide Web who will not sell you products, but rather when you become a member of a group or club, you will will gain knowledge of how to make these stuffs yourself at home. A number of them will even provide you a COMPLIMENTARY HYDROGEN BOOSTER SYSTEM, fully put together set to go into your vehicle, so you can authenticate its practicability and have a copy for replication. Again, this is a COMPLIMENTARY GIFT for you, for becoming a member and a researcher.

You could make use of this mock system to switch nearly any vehicle into an trial, wholly functional WATER HYBRID in one slow day, with the aid of simple tools at home. Back in I knew nothing about automobiles, I had no garage and no special tools, yet I installed one un-aided within a quarter of an hour. This was in an era when all I had was half a page of instructions. Nowadays you can obtain complete informational products or ebooks, packed with guidelines and suggestions. There are also support groups to assist you with any mechanical, electrical or tuning trouble. These new groups have labored hard to make it SIMPLE FOR YOU. And it is the influence of the group that makes your path so much easier and smoother.

You will also be skilled in how to become a home manufacturer of numerous models of hydrogen generating system. Again, basic skills and easy tools is all that is need to replicate these systems for your friends, family or clients. PAY NO ROYALTIES OR LICENSE FEE - you keep all the cash! When you get into one of these exceptional clubs or groups, you can discover answers to your questions:
1. Is this really practical? How come it's so easy?
2. Why didn't anyone tell me about it before?
3. could water technology do for me?
4. Why should I become a member of a group/club?

So you will start to realize why water hybrid (water car / watercar) secrets have been unknown until today.


How YOU Can Get IRS Refunds using Water Powered Car

First, in case you don't previously know that it's possible to power your car with water, this is to inform you that not only is it possible but you can actually make your car to run on water from the comfort of your home.

Yes, you heard that right. You can put it all together yourself, with the right guide and the right devices.

The beauty of water powered car, apart from the fact that you can put it together yourself and apart from the fact that it helps you in saving the costs of fuel, is that you can actually get IRS refunds for doing so.

By using such water powered car you are driving a "green" car and thus helping our National economy by reducing the costs that the government spends on pollution, hospitals, sick days.
And most importantly, you help to reduce our national debt for imported oil, not to mention the painful price of economic dependability on oil.


Since 2005 the IRS could not afford to continue ignoring alternative fuel anymore, and started giving considerable rewards for "green" cars, "green" fuels and "green" upgrades.

You can get back up to $2,000 for a car, or up to $50,000 for a truck. Specifically, below is the word for word text out of the new IRS code:

"Deduction limit. The maximum deduction you can claim for qualified clean-fuel vehicle property with respect to any motor vehicle is one of the following.

1. $50,000 for a truck or van with a gross vehicle weight rating over 26,000 pounds or for a bus with a seating capacity of at least 20 adults (excluding the driver).

2. $5,000 for a truck or van with a gross vehicle weight rating over 10,000 pounds but not more than 26,000 pounds.

3. $2,000 for a vehicle not included in (1) or (2)."

But of course you must provide receipts that show your costs in installing and setting up your water powered car.If you are thinking that it will cost you a fortune to set up water powered cars, think again. With the right information you would only need to spend very little money to install the device in your car that will make it run on water and gas, thereby reducing the consumption of gas.

You can start by using Google or any of the search engines to search for information on how to make your own water powered car using simple home-made devices.


A. Drake

7 INCREDIBLE advantages of "Water-Powered Car" technology to YOU

No doubts about it, it's now possible to power your car on water as well as gas, instead of 100% gas. Apart from the many advantages that this technology have on the planet, it also has many widespread advantages to many individuals around the world, including YOU.

Below are 7 of these incredible advantages of the water for gas to YOU:

1- Improves your gas mileage by up to 35%. This includes both city and highway driving conditions. Imagine how much money this would save you at the end of the month and at the end of the year. It is estimated that this could save you as much as $897.40 per year. If you are two, three or four drivers in the family, this yearly savings increases dramatically. And what if you have a fleet of 50 drivers in your company? Then your yearly savings will multiply to $44,870. More if you have more drivers.

2- Eliminates harmful exhaust emission that pollute the environment and contribute to global warming. Your engine will ADD oxygen to the environment instead of polluting it. How about doing something good to help the environment for a change?

3- Greatly enhance engine power and performance. The more gas you use on your car, the more the engine gets battered- thus reducing the performance. But by using water as an alternative, this enhances your engine power instead and improves performance.

4- Remove carbon deposits and prevent future carbon build up.

5- Reduce the operating temperature of the engine and waste heat into the environment.

6- You will notice a calmer, quieter and much smoother engine operation and smoother gearshifts. This is due to the effect water has on the combustion cycle inside your engine.

7- Enjoy a longer life expectancy of your engine, especially the pistons, rings and valves.
These are just some of the many advantages of water for gas technology to YOU. Remember, even YOU can build the device needed to make this technology work for YOU, from the comfort of your home.


A. Drake

How To Save Gas Cost By Running Your Car or Truck On Water

When you look closely at such 100% water driven technology, one ends up spending even more than using the usual fuel for powering vehicles.

So, the method I recommend for powering your car with water that will save you cost of fuel is to make your own low-cost hybrid car that will run on water and gas, thereby saving you huge costs you would have spent using only gas.

In other words - Hydrogen-On-Demand system where you run your car on Hydrogen WHEN you need it!

Note that I am not saying you should build a car from scratch that will run on water. Not at all. This instead is about constructing simple devices that will enable your car to run on water as well as gas. You don't have to alter your car make-up or get a new car. The technology can work with almost any car or truck.


In simple words, this technology involves putting together home-made devices that use a little electricity out of your car's battery to separate water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also known as Hydrogen*Oxygen™ or Hydroxy, burns beautifully and by so doing provides TONS of energy.

And the most remarkable beauty is that this pound for pound HHO gas is even much more potent than gasoline.

In fact 3 times more potent than gasoline.By using such cars you effectively save money that would have been spent on fuel for your car. It is estimated that this could save you as much as $897.40 per year. If you are two, three or four drivers in the family, this yearly savings increases dramatically. And what if you have a fleet of 50 drivers in your company? Then your yearly savings will multiply to $44,870.

First things first... this isn't about running your car on 100% water. Of course there are information available about running your car on 100% water but I don't recommend them because they are not only complicated but seriously expensive and completely unpredictable.


A. Drake

How YOU can help save thousands of US soldiers in Iraq

No matter what argument the USA government has put forward on why they had to do the Iraq war, it's obvious that OIL is one of the reasons for the war. And because of this war in Iraq, US soldiers continue to die on a daily basis. And no matter how much you hate and scuff at the US government for the war, they didn't have much choice.

The people of USA need the oil and the government has to get it for them at ANY cost. Even at the cost of its soldiers' lives. But do you know what is tragic? It's the fact that such deaths from such wars as the Iraq war can be avoided! They can be avoided if we can reduce our dependence on oil. And we can reduce our dependence on oil by using alternative energy to power our vehicles and other such fuel consuming machines such as generators. As incredible as this sounds, it's possible and even now a reality. We can do without all that oil that we consume on a daily basis, not only in the USA but all over the world.


The oil we consume in powering our cars and other vehicles can be reduced drastically... ... by powering our vehicles with WATER! Yes, you heard that right. We can now power our cars with water and by so doing reduce our dependence on oil. The less we get dependent on oil, the less we would need to get involved in such wars as that in Iraq. And the less we get involved in such wars, the less our soldiers will die! So, yes, you too can get involved in helping to save the lives of US soldiers in Iraq by powering your car with water and helping to spread the word about it.

A. Drake

They laughed when I said One Day Cars Would Run On Water... Guess Who's laughing

Many years ago I remarked to my friends during one of our chatting sessions- "One day cars will run on water". I can still remember how they all laughed at me as if I was crazy. Among them was someone who knew so much about the mechanics of a car and how it works. He was the one that laughed the loudest and took time to explain to us, especially me, how it wasn't possible for cars to EVER run on water, even 30% water.

I wish I could see his face right now while demonstrating the water car technology to him. For the rest of my friends who were there that day that I still contact, they are so filled with shame for ever laughing at me that day.

If you know anyone that has also doubted the workability of the water car technology, tell them that not only is it now workable but anyone can make it work from the comfort of their home.
That's right. The water car technology can be made workable by just about anyone, who has access to the right information and the right devices needed.

How exactly this water car technology works?

This water car technology is the use of simple technology of putting together of home-made devices that use a little electricity out of your car's battery to separate water into a gas called HHO (2 Hydrogen + 1 Oxygen). HHO, also known as Hydrogen*Oxygen™ or Hydroxy, burns beautifully and by so doing provides TONS of energy.

And the most remarkable beauty is that this pound for pound HHO gas is even much more potent than gasoline. In fact 3 times more potent than gasoline.

To get started, learn more about how this works and how you too can do it yourself on your car. With the power of the Internet you can find this information for free. When you arm yourself with this information you will be amazed at how easy it can be to make this water car technology work for you.

A. Drake